Return or Cancel Policy | BuySelf Realty is Minnesota's Leading Flat Fee MLS Listing Brokerage


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BuySelf Realty is Minnesota's Leading Flat Fee MLS Listing Brokerage

Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service in Minnesota
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

Return or Cancel Policy

The services offered on this website do not warrant or guarantee to find a buyer or result in a successful closing. Other terms from our brokerage will apply; see listing agreement for your area for details. Due to the extremely low price of our services, unused months of service are not refundable.

Payment is collected/charged at the time of order. To cancel the service after it is ordered:

  • Before home is listed/meeting with agent* and before supplies have shipped or if no supplies are in service package ordered: Contact us immediately by email and/or phone. The entire listing fee is non-refundable after 30 days, and fully transferable to list another property within 365 days of the original order. Supplies are shipped out quickly and may not be retrievable depending on time of shipment. When you contact us, please leave name, date of order, full address, telephone number, and reason for canceling. Do not assume your request was received on time until you receive a confirmation that your order was canceled before shipping, or notification that your supplies had been shipped before your request was viewed. Property must be listed within 365 days of original order date.
  • Before home is listed/meeting with agent* and after supplies have shipped: The entire listing fee is non-refundable after 30 days, and fully transferable to list another property within 365 days of the original order. It is your responsibility to return the supplies to our corporate office at 8053 E Bloomington Fwy Suite 275 Bloomington, Minnesota 55420. Supplies must be returned to the Corporate HQ. If the supplies are received at our office within 10 days of your order unused with all packaging included, you will receive a refund for those items minus the outbound shipping charges, which usually vary between $10 to $59 depending on the weight of what was ordered. After 10 days the supplies are non-refundable. Used supplies or supplies with packaging or parts missing are not refundable. If the supplies are not returned or are used, you may still receive a partial refund for the other services ordered within 30 days (see information on this page regarding refunds for those services). Property must be listed within 365 days of original order date.
  • Before home is listed in MLS and after you have met with the agent:* If your area requires a meeting with the agent, the meeting must be canceled a minimum of three hours before the scheduled meeting time. Otherwise, the fee paid is not refundable.
  • If we have notified you that your listing requires us to join an new MLS system, the fee paid is not refundable as soon as we have joined that new MLS system. This is highly unusual.
  • After the home is listed in MLS or you have met with the agent:* The fee is not refundable. The service does not guarantee the property will sell, or guarantee a minimum number of showings per month. Seller is responsible for reviewing the accuracy of the MLS listing.

*Meeting with agents: For about 2% of home sellers, a small number of MLS areas require a quick meeting/property walk through with a brokerage representative to be listed in MLS. If your area requires a meeting with the agent, the meeting must be canceled a minimum of three hours before the scheduled meeting time. Otherwise, the fee paid is not refundable.

Errors on the listing: The seller agrees to review the entire listing for errors and notify our brokerage for correction. An error/typo on the listing is not cause for refund, please bring the error/typo to our attention for correction.

Pricing information/assistance: If the seller requests and brokerage provides pricing information, electronic signature set up, or assistance and then the seller decides not to list, any possible refund amount will be reduced by an additional $49-199 as compensation for the ordering processing and research/time spent on the service.

Complex ownership situations: Economy packages are not available for use for properties is owned by more than one entity (Trusts, LLCs, Corporations, etc). For the rare properties that have complex ownership, options, equitable rights, or multiple layers of entities in ownership, that require research, a surcharge or purchase of a more expensive package may be required for listing. Our brokerage may refuse to list any property, and is required to do so if the ownership documentation does not clearly establish that all ownership interests have approved the listing agreement.

Any list of other websites that the listing information will be posted on is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed to be up to date. These listings cannot and are not guaranteed. Websites and their relationship to MLSs, brokers, and MLS listings can change at any time, including after a property is listed. The listing includes websites that generally show single family residences, any other type of listing may not be displayed.
Time of listing and listing terms

Listing terms are determined by the listing agreement the seller signs with the MLS Broker. The number of months of listing should start upon the date the listing is signed and/or accepted by the broker (not the order date). Where the website offers X months of listing, the seller is free to choose a listing expiration date earlier than X months, however, seller should realize (1) broker may not notify or remind seller when expiration occurs or is approaching; (2) seller will most likely need to pay an additional fee to extend the listing; (3) once listing agreement expires seller may not be able to extend the listing, a new listing and the applicable fee may be required. We recommend signing up for the full X months, understanding that the seller has the ability to request the listing status be changed to “cancelled” as described in the listing agreement and by the procedure required by the MLS broker, if the seller wants to change brokers or no longer sell their home. Cancellation is not available to avoid paying a buyer agent commission, avoid reporting of a sale, and/or violate MLS rules.
Listing extensions are non-refundable once entered into the MLS.

All Other Products and Services: All other products and services are nonrefundable. Any custom printed signs are not refundable.

Product-Specific Information

  • Yard Sign Rental (MN Only): Yard sign rental may require a security deposit during the time they are loaned to you. The deposit is returned after the sign is picked up in good condition on the first trip. Unused months are not refundable. BuySelf, Inc. and its contractors are not responsible for any damage to sprinkler systems that we are not notified about (There is a check box on the order form where you can tell us if there is a sprinkler system). Yard sign orders must be canceled a minimum of 24 hours before installation is to occur to be refunded. Sign orders are not refundable once installer has been dispatched. Installation will be ordered immediately after we receive the order unless you request otherwise. If you live in a condominium, you must inform us of any restrictions on sign location and/or type of sign.
  • Key Lockboxes Caution: Key lockboxes are not meant to be used for non-Realtor assisted showings. You should not let a buyer without a Realtor or any non-Realtor you do not know and trust enter your home without being there with them. Either you or the Realtor helping the buyer needs to be present. Realtor identity should be verified before any showing (quick and easy verification process suggestions available upon request). Unused key lockboxes and original packing materials may be returned for a refund (minus shipping/handling/restocking charges) within 10 days of purchase Email us for return authorization instructions. Defective lockboxes are covered by a limited manufacturer warranty (available by email upon request).
  • Closing Arrangement (MN Only): Purchasing this service does not guarantee a successful closing. This service communicates the standard transactional information necessary to close with the appropriate participants. Any failure on their part to communicate and correctly perform their responsibilities may delay or destroy the transaction, in addition to normal transaction risks, including but not limited to lender rejection of buyer, property title problems, etc. Separately purchased Closing arrangement is refundable minus a minimum $75 processing fee and a prorated charge based on the arrangements and processing completed at the time of notification by the customer. Closing arrangement is non-refundable within 2 weeks of closing, or if the arrangement has started. If Closing Arrangement service is not purchased separately, it is not refundable.
  • Shipped items: Surcharge may apply for shipping outside of the continental United States, or to surcharged delivery locations, where available.
  • Home Warranties: Ordering the home warranty placement does not guarantee coverage. Insurance is not provided by BuySelf, but by Third Party insurer listed on warranty application. See warranty application for details. For warranty to be issued and effective, application must be completed and accepted by the insurer, and then premium must be paid at closing. It is the sellers responsibility to make sure premium is paid at closing and policy number issued at that time. Warranty placement service is non-refundable once application has been submitted to insurer.
  • MLS Listing and Packages: An MLS Listing does not require payment of a listing commission in all circumstances. The “selling” commission must be paid if you receive an acceptable offer from a buyer who was procured, shown the property by, or involved with an agent. This commission will be paid even if it is not mentioned in the purchase agreement. BuySelf lists properties with seller-selected commission amounts of any amount above 2.5% (BuySelf recommends paying 2.7 to 3%), and must be determined before a listing can be entered into MLS.
  • Photography/virtual tours: Requesting cancellation after the photo shoot appointment has been scheduled will result in a processing charge. The charges for photography service become non-refundable 120 minutes before a photo shoot appointment.

Other Important Information: Customer is responsible for learning and complying with all restrictions on sign location and/or type of sign (including, but not limited to governmental, property, or association restrictions). MLS cooperative commission rules vary by state and are generally subject to arbitration and procuring cause rules -contact your MLS Brokerage to determine the details of these requirements.